Take me to the top with competition training!
Those of you who are keen to make dancing your chosen sport (Dancesport) can take your dancing to a whole new level.
At UCan2 we aim to train our competition dancers to international standards. We have an unrivalled history of taking dancers from beginner class right through to the top competition level where they enjoy success in New Zealand and around the world.
There are frequent competitions in New Zealand, and for those who aspire to reach goals beyond their backyard, there are many excellent competition events in our nearest neighbours - Australia and Asia (to where our dancers travel to compete).
Private lessons are required and the UCan2 Training Squad (by invitation only) offers in-depth technical training.
The pre-paid term fee includes:
Training Squad group class (Wednesday)
Practice Night (Sunday)
Term Dates 2025
Our Medal Programme and Training Squad sessions all run according to school term dates:-
Term 1 (10 weeks) 03 Feb – 11 Apr 2-week break
Term 2 (9 weeks) 28 Apr – 27 Jun 2-week break
Term 3 (10 weeks) 14 Jul – 19 Sept 2-week break
Term 4 - (11 weeks) 06 Oct - 19 Dec