UCan2 dancers are entered for the New Zealand Federal Association of Teachers of Dancing (NZFATD) medals. Elementary Bronze, Silver and Gold Medal Tests are prepared in the 'social level' classes (ie. Adult Improvers and Intermediate and Kids & Tweens Beginner and Improvers.
From there, you can move on to Advanced Medals.
The Medal Programme prepares students for Advanced Medals and is for those who have completed a minimum of Intermediate level and would like to continue to learn at a more technical level.
Advanced Medals commence at Bronze, through to Gold, then Gold Bars (4), Gold Star, Bars to Gold Star (4), finally arriving at the pinnacle which is the Oscar. It's a long journey - worth every minute! All Advanced Medals are style-specific, so you go from Bronze to Oscar in each style - Ballroom, Latin American, and New Vogue.
It takes a minimum of two terms to prepare for each of these Advanced Medals, so you need to join the class at the beginning of Term 1 or Term 3. The Medal Tests are at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
Bronze & Silver Medal Class: prepare for Advanced Bronze Medals and BronzeBars and Advanced Silver Medals and Silver Bars in Ballroom & Latin American.
Gold Medal Class: prepare for Advanced Gold Medals and Gold Bars in Ballroom and Latin American. Participation in Training Squad is strongly recommended.
Gold Star and above: it is necessary to have a regular private lesson to ensure you reach the required level for these medals.
Term Dates 2025
Our Medal Programme and Training Squad sessions all run according to school term dates:-
Term 1 (10 weeks) 03 Feb – 11 Apr 2-week break
Term 2 (9 weeks) 28 Apr – 27 Jun 2-week break
Term 3 (10 weeks) 14 Jul – 19 Sept 2-week break
Term 4 - (11 weeks) 06 Oct - 19 Dec
Medal Class Costs: Please refer to the Adult Medal Class or Kids & Teens Medal Class pages for time, venue, and costs.